Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Science and Technology in Nepal - Background

Nepal opened up to the outside world of modern science and technology only in the second half of the twentieth century. Its isolation from the outer world for more than a century deprived it from the advancement of science and technology (S&T), which had experienced accelerated developments after the industrial revolution. However, in pursuit of self-reliance the country had, from ancient times, developed technological capabilities in some specific areas such as intensive agriculture cultivation and practices, architectural designs and civil constructions, metal works and craftmanship, etc. These technological capabilities served as a base not only for the transfer of know-how to neighboring countries during the old days, but also as a major attraction for tourists now-a-days.
The first development plan of Nepal in 1956 triggered the initiation of new era of economic development along with S & activities. The need for an effective body on S&T led to the establishment of the National Council for Science and Technology (NCST) and the Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST) in 1976. Eventually, in the sixth plan (1980-1985), S&T received due priority in the country's development plan for the first time with the establishment of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) [then Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (RONAST)],in 1982 as an autonomous organization to further and facilitate the development and promotion of science and technology.

Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)

Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) was established in 1982 by a Royal Ordinance as an autonomous apex body for the development and promotion of Science and Technology in the country. The autonomous status of NAST was reconfirmed in 1992 by an act of the parliament.

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